Guess We’re Going to War With Iran Now…

Jason Simpkins

Posted January 30, 2024

I guess this is where it was all headed.

Months of attacks going back and forth.

Iranian-backed proxies shelling American bases with rockets and drones…

U.S. forces responding with bombing runs… 

Deadly confrontations over shipping lanes…

There have been at least 160 attacks against U.S. assets since October 7. And the world’s biggest shipping companies have been expelled from the Red Sea due to numerous rocket and drone attacks. 

The U.S. and U.K. have responded with air strikes in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. 

To what end? 

This one. 

Three American soldiers have been killed and dozens more wounded. 

And the calls for retribution are coming in loud and clear.

“The only answer to these attacks must be devastating military retaliation against Iran’s terrorist forces, both in Iran and across the Middle East,” said Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton. “Anything less will confirm Joe Biden as a coward unworthy of being commander-in-chief.”

He was backed up by South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham who called on the Biden administration to “strike targets of significance inside Iran, not only as reprisal for the killing of our forces, but as deterrence against future aggression.”

“Hit Iran now. Hit them hard,” he said.

Mississippi Senator Roger Wicker, the most senior Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, agreed.

“We must respond to these repeated attacks by Iran and its proxies by striking directly against Iranian targets and its leadership,” he said. 

And Senator John Cornyn of Texas simply responded, “Target Tehran.”

And then what?

Wicker says the Biden administration’s response so far has only invited more attacks — and that’s true. But it’s hard to see how attacking Iran directly will do anything but further aggravate the situation.

That’s the corner we’ve backed ourselves into. 

We’ve made Israel’s war — brutal, open-ended, and genocidal — our own. 

So this is the natural end point.

President Biden is reportedly working through his options, but none of them are good. 

None of them will solve the problem. They’ll only exacerbate it. 

That’s how the cycle of retaliation works. 

Iran and its pet militants believe they’re justly responding to Israel’s invasion of Gaza. 

And we believe we’re justified in responding to their acts of terrorism. 

So we keep going back and forth in a tit-for-tat escalation of consequences.

And unfortunately, there’s no getting off this merry-go-round. 

Israel is in it for the long haul and so are we. 

That’s why smart investors will do what I’ve been calling on them to do for the past six years and lean into the chaos by investing in the defense sector. 

As I always say, the world is getting more dangerous — not less so. 

And if you really want to protect your wealth and maximize your profits, you should check out my latest report for Secret Stock Files, which details an AI defense company that’s actively aiding Israel in its ongoing war. 

Check that out here if you haven’t already.

Fight on,

Jason Simpkins Signature

Jason Simpkins

Simpkins is the founder and editor of Secret Stock Files, an investment service that focuses on companies with assets — tangible resources and products that can hold and appreciate in value. He covers mining companies, energy companies, defense contractors, dividend payers, commodities, staples, legacies and more…

In 2023 he joined The Wealth Advisory team as a defense market analyst where he reviews and recommends new military and government opportunities that come across his radar, especially those that spin-off healthy, growing income streams. For more on Jason, check out his editor’s page.

Be sure to visit our Angel Investment Research channel on YouTube and tune into Jason’s podcasts.

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